So much has changed since first coming here in 2006. Ma Frances has passed. The partner and sister who brought me to Liberia is gone. The partner who traveled here with me several times is gone. The tremendous financial support from donors in the US is gone. And yet my deep knowing that this is where my service is remains. Namesake Deborah is now in the 2nd grade; I remember Arthur’s call to me the day of her arrival more than seven years ago now. My home and family at the Kendeja welcomed me back last evening with great joy and love. Our new partnership with Edify and the University of San Diego continues to grow. The Vice President is running for President. Impermanence along with deep knowing – and a new beginning, “small small” as one says in Liberia, after Ebola.
When I saw the Vice President in New York last month, he said to me, “My country is now 186 years old. When are we going to get it right?” Hope. If my first less than 24 hours here is any indication, it is time to get it right now. Fear is gone; love is here. Hope.
Sitting outside at sunset now, watching the sky and the people, I am feeling so at home, more at home than I have ever felt in my life. I have landed. I am with my people. I am so grateful…
Please keep the prayers coming. With love and gratitude ~ Deborah