Then today a planning session with my videographer team – an agreement – the birthing of a documentary film has begun. “Liberians for Liberia – their Story about Ebola and Beyond” is my working title tonight. It will be interesting to see how it evolves. We began filming following the structure given by dear friend Harry in Washington DC who has appeared as a major angel in this project. First FFWL Staff. Then epicenter of the ebola response at ELWA hospital. Resident of the campus, dear friend Siakor. Doctors, one from southern California and one from Liberia. The ETU – Ebola Treatment Unit – where just weeks ago so many were struggling to survive this unprecedented virus outbreak; today empty. Surreal. Last Thursday Liberia released the last ebola patient from an ETU. There are no cases of ebola in Liberia today. Miracle.
Program Manager Charles said it well in our meeting this morning. When Liberia realized this was an unprecedented crisis, they pulled together and did what needed to be done. Behaviors have completely changed; there is serious respect for ebola. It is not eradicated as Guinea and Sierra Leone still have cases, but it is respected and real and no longer in this dear country thanks to the diligence of the Liberian people. A miracle.
I washed my hands in bleach water so many times today; had my temperature taken as many times. I am thankful to be in an environment of so much respect and commitment. And so very glad to be home…
With love and gratitude for your support and caring for Liberia – please keep holding hands with our human family here – together we are making a major difference ~ Deborah