The program in India has grown to 1.2 million women. We have launched and funded a program in Zambia, South Africa, Niger – and in 2007 Liberia. For a decade we operated a microfinance program in San Diego, supporting more than 5000 women and their families. Together we have all accomplished a lot!
Now our focus is on individual women borrowers and low-fee independent school operators in Liberia. Our impact is tremendous and growing daily!
On April 14th we launched two fabulous new things: a brand new website and a Kickstarter campaign. The website you're seeing as you read this, but also please take a look at our Kickstarter campaign!
This month we have seven women standing by for funding for their businesses. We invite you to take a look at what your “sisters” are up to in Liberia – and consider joining with one of them by providing the capital they are needing. Your tax-deductible donation to the Foundation for Women will make this happen! We will match you with your sister in Liberia and let her know who stood up to help her.
Thank you for believing in and supporting this amazing work. With great love and gratitude, Deborah