"Individuals who choose to love can and do alter our lives in ways that honor the primacy of a love ethic. We do this by choosing to work with individuals we admire and respect; by committing to give our all to relationships; by embracing a global vision wherein we see our lives and our fate as intimately connected to those of everyone else on the planet. Commitment to a love ethic transforms our lives by offering us a different set of values to live by. In large and small ways, we make choices based on a belief that honesty, openness, and personal integrity need to be expressed in public and private decisions." ~ Bell Hooks.
Love is the only way. And yes, we are indeed one human family, as I have Known my entire life.
Neither of them have received pay from the Kendeja, my home and their place of employment, for October yet - though today is the 18th of the month. Rogers said to me yesterday, "Sis Deborah, if not for you and the Foundation for Women, my family would not be eating the last so many days. No pay. No transport money. No health coverage. No money for school fees. No food without you and FFW."
Members of our human family are suffering here, big suffering. I have never seen anything like this in my 13 years here in Liberia. Banks have no money. ATMs have no money. "No money" is said everywhere. Reality in Liberia right now.
Such a very dark time - AND Foundation for Women continues to spread our light and our love here, helping and touching thousands every day...
With love and gratitude for your support and believing,