This Ebola crisis remains beyond awful…
Today is however a day of celebration! Dear friend Foday Gallah, one of TIME Magazine’s PERSON of the YEAR 2014 in recognition of the Ebola Fighters, is celebrating his birthday today! He tirelessly helped save his country’s brothers and sisters throughout the crisis in Liberia and he contracted Ebola helping a 4-year-old boy. He survived the virus, but he is still suffering though very grateful to be alive. He is featured in the ONLY LOVE trailer in the yellow shirt and then orange t-shirt www.ONLYLOVEisbest.com Please meet him via film.
This article yesterday details the problems of Ebola survivors:
Foday is suffering as described. There is so much more to be done to help our brothers and sisters who have lived through this unprecedented Ebola crisis. The massive amounts of money directed toward this crisis do not touch the Fodays of the world, the women and families we have been blessed to be connected to since December 2006, those part of our FFW microfinance network.
On behalf of Foday and in celebration of him and his bravery and commitment, I am making an appeal on this 8th day of August: please take 8 seconds or 8 minutes to view our website www.foundationforwomen.org and make a contribution of 8 cents or 8 dollars or 8 whatever to help the Foundation for Women continue our work in post-Ebola Liberia and support Foday and the other Ebola survivors who so need us, who are so counting on us as their family to love and stand with them…
I told Foday this week, “We are family forever.” Please help me prove that to him and all in Liberia – and HAPPY BIRTHDAY FODAY!! with great love and gratitude ~ Deborah