Keep reading for an update and stories from our FFW Liberia Director, Magnus.

Dear Deborah, I am sending a short Story. The story is on a Microloan Client and the video is on a Clinic Loan client.
Neomi P. Gibson is a 3rd Cycle Client from Kakata,Margibi County, 45 Miles outside Monrovia, the Capital City of Monrovia. She explained how she has immensely benefitted from the three Cycles of loans she has gotten from the Foundation for Women Liberia by building a three bedroom house and educating her children. She further lamented that she missed three calls from the Foundation for Women Liberia Office before returning the call. To her utmost surprise, she was informed to come to the office to get a bag of rice. According to her, before joining the FFWL Loan Program, she took loans from Community Credit Clubs and other Credit Institutions but none of them ever did what FFWL has done. From Neomi P. Gibson:
"I want to take this opportunity to thank our Founder, Deborah and everyone who made the decision to provide the rice for us. May God continue to bless Deborah so that she can continue her good works in Liberia."

And now, we've started helping our health clinic partners as well!